How to make kitchen drawer organizers
One of the quickest and easiest updates to your kitchen organization is to make custom drawer organizers. I made this for my silverware, junk drawer and bathroom drawers. These can be built with just wood glue!
Brad nailer (optional)
Step 1 - Plan out your dividers
I used painters tape to plan out where the dividers would go. Makes it easier to measure and cut your pieces. Start with the outside box which will fit right into your drawer. I don’t suggest glueing your dividers directly to the drawer since it’ll make cleaning more difficult.
Step 2 - Glue your dividers
Once you have your length and width of your drawer just cut your outside pieces to size. Then cut your divider pieces to size and simply glue to the inside of the box you just made. I made this outside of my drawer box so no glue would get on the drawer bottom by accident. Next just let your glue and dry and finish with a coat of poly (if you want) and slide it into your drawer. That’s it!